Unsere ehemalige Chorleiter*innen

Clara Ries

2023 - 2024View Profile

Chicago, IL – Mr. Callaway was formerly the director of the Strategic Planning department of the world’s oldest franchise development firm, Francorp. In his role, as head of the department, he drafted and managed strategic business plans for franchising companies. He also conducted franchise feasibility studies, industry surveys, prototype development plans, and strategic analyses. As member of the Executive Board of Francorp International, Mr. Callaway was responsible for all strategic planning initiatives engaged by the Strategic Planning Departments of the 30-country network of Francorp offices.

Currently, Mr. Callaway has extensive influence in the decisions garnered by the Strategic Planning Department at Franchise Marketing Systems, as well as other departments where efficiencies are supplementary. After retaining a degree in Economics from Illinois College, Mr. Callaway received his MBA from Northern Illinois University with a focus in Entrepreneurship. Mr. Callaway has worked with major executives and companies such as former McDonald’s CEO, Ed Rensi, Founder of Gildan Activewear, Greg Chamandy, and Hershey Foods Director of New Product Development, Curt Robinson, among other business owners and CEOs. Mr. Callaway has traveled throughout North America to help facilitate the franchise goals of his diverse client-base, with specialty in retail. Previously, Mr. Callaway was Store Manager at a prominent retail chain accountable for nearly 100 employees.

Mr. Callaway is an expert in strategic planning, franchisor organizational design, royalty and franchise fee pricing strategy, managerial decision-making, and technical marketing issues. He is a skilled researcher with extensive experience in web-based applications as well as database management.

Clara Ries leitete den JCK von 2023 bis 2024. Von 2014 bis 2019 studierte sie Lehramt für Grundschulen für die Fächer Musik und Mathematik. Einen Schwerpunkt auf die Chorarbeit legte sie durch Weiterbildungen und eigene Chorleitungen von diversen Chören und Ensembles.

Hannes Kehl ist professioneller Sänger, Chordirigent und Arrangeur. Den JCK leitete er von Oktober 2019 bis Juli 2023. Als Chorist ist er u.a. ständiges Mitglied im Händelfestspielchor am Badischen Staatstheater Karlsruhe. Über 60 für Chor arrangierte Werke stammen aus seiner Feder. Von 2009 bis 2012 studierte Hannes Kehl künstlerisches Lehramt mit Erstinstrument Klavier an der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik in Trossingen. Von 2012 bis 2016 studierte er klassischen Gesang an der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe. Im Auftrag des Badischen Chorverbandes ist er als Dozent mitverantwortlich für die Chormentorenausbildung des Kultusministerium Baden-Württembergs.

Hannes Kehl

2019 - 2023View Profile

Chicago, IL – Mr. Callaway was formerly the director of the Strategic Planning department of the world’s oldest franchise development firm, Francorp. In his role, as head of the department, he drafted and managed strategic business plans for franchising companies. He also conducted franchise feasibility studies, industry surveys, prototype development plans, and strategic analyses. As member of the Executive Board of Francorp International, Mr. Callaway was responsible for all strategic planning initiatives engaged by the Strategic Planning Departments of the 30-country network of Francorp offices.

Currently, Mr. Callaway has extensive influence in the decisions garnered by the Strategic Planning Department at Franchise Marketing Systems, as well as other departments where efficiencies are supplementary. After retaining a degree in Economics from Illinois College, Mr. Callaway received his MBA from Northern Illinois University with a focus in Entrepreneurship. Mr. Callaway has worked with major executives and companies such as former McDonald’s CEO, Ed Rensi, Founder of Gildan Activewear, Greg Chamandy, and Hershey Foods Director of New Product Development, Curt Robinson, among other business owners and CEOs. Mr. Callaway has traveled throughout North America to help facilitate the franchise goals of his diverse client-base, with specialty in retail. Previously, Mr. Callaway was Store Manager at a prominent retail chain accountable for nearly 100 employees.

Mr. Callaway is an expert in strategic planning, franchisor organizational design, royalty and franchise fee pricing strategy, managerial decision-making, and technical marketing issues. He is a skilled researcher with extensive experience in web-based applications as well as database management.

Michael Hegenauer

2011 bis 2019View Profile

Chicago, IL – Mr. Callaway was formerly the director of the Strategic Planning department of the world’s oldest franchise development firm, Francorp. In his role, as head of the department, he drafted and managed strategic business plans for franchising companies. He also conducted franchise feasibility studies, industry surveys, prototype development plans, and strategic analyses. As member of the Executive Board of Francorp International, Mr. Callaway was responsible for all strategic planning initiatives engaged by the Strategic Planning Departments of the 30-country network of Francorp offices.

Currently, Mr. Callaway has extensive influence in the decisions garnered by the Strategic Planning Department at Franchise Marketing Systems, as well as other departments where efficiencies are supplementary. After retaining a degree in Economics from Illinois College, Mr. Callaway received his MBA from Northern Illinois University with a focus in Entrepreneurship. Mr. Callaway has worked with major executives and companies such as former McDonald’s CEO, Ed Rensi, Founder of Gildan Activewear, Greg Chamandy, and Hershey Foods Director of New Product Development, Curt Robinson, among other business owners and CEOs. Mr. Callaway has traveled throughout North America to help facilitate the franchise goals of his diverse client-base, with specialty in retail. Previously, Mr. Callaway was Store Manager at a prominent retail chain accountable for nearly 100 employees.

Mr. Callaway is an expert in strategic planning, franchisor organizational design, royalty and franchise fee pricing strategy, managerial decision-making, and technical marketing issues. He is a skilled researcher with extensive experience in web-based applications as well as database management.

Michael Hegenauer war von 2011 bis 2019 musikalischer Leiter des Jazzchores am KIT. Sein Schulmusikstudium mit den Hauptfächern Klavier bei Ulrike Meyer und Tomas Vaana und Dirigieren schloss er 2012 an der staatlichen Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe ab. Chorleitungsunterricht erhielt er bei Nikolaus Indlekofer, Prof. Martin Schmidt und Prof. Dieter Kurz, im Bereich Orchesterleitung bei Stefan Ottersbach und Prof. Werner Stiefel. Meisterkurse bei Nicole Corti, Veronika Stoertzenbach und Dieter Kurz, sowie Weiterbildungen u.a. bei Erik Sohn, Uli Führe und Oliver Gies runden seine Dirigierausbildung ab. Im Jahr 2010 gewann er den 1. Preis beim Wettbewerb für Schulmusiker der Musikhochschule Karlsruhe. Parallel studierte er Germanistik am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). Neben seiner Arbeit mit dem Jazzchor des KIT dirigiert Michael Hegenauer seit 2009 den gemischten Chor des Sängerhain Grünwettersbach, sowie seit 2015 den Männerchor und den gemischten Chor TonArt des MGV Klosterreichenbach. Als Gastdirigent, Chorsänger, als Solist und Pianist hilft er regelmäßig bei verschiedenen Projekten aus, u.a. beim Kammerchor am KIT, beim Pauluschor Stuttgart oder bei Studio Vocale. Sowohl mit Chören, wie auch mit kleineren Ensembles, konnte Michael Hegenauer bereits unterschiedliche Wettbewerbserfahrungen sammeln, wie u.a. beim Deutschen Chorfest 2012 in Frankfurt und beim Wettbewerb für junge Vokalensembles im Rahmen des Badischen Chorfestes 2012 in Karlsruhe. Seit Januar 2013 ist Michael Hegenauer als Lehrer für die Fächer Musik und Deutsch am Richard-von-Weizäcker-Gymnasium in Baiersbronn (Kreis Freudenstadt) tätig.

Virginie Auvray wurde 1980 in Paris geboren. Bereits mit vier Jahren erhielt sie ihren ersten Klavier- und Solfège-Unterricht. Im Alter von zehn Jahren wurde sie im Conservatoire National Edgar Varèse bei Paris aufgenommen, machte dort mit 17 ihr Abitur mit den Leistungsfächern Klavier, Musikgeschichte und Akustik und bekam am Conservatoire ihr „Diplôme de fin d'études“ mit Auszeichnung in den Fächern Klavier, Analyse und Solfège. Nach dem in 2003 bestandenen Diplom in Chor- und Orchesterleitung studiert sie erneut an der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe Dirigieren auf Master in der Klasse von Prof. Weiss und Prof. Schmidt. Während des Studiums bekam sie bereits des öfteren Gelegenheiten mit professionellen Orchestern aufzutreten. Dazu zählen unter anderem die Philharmonie von Baden-Baden, das Kurpfälzische Kammerorchester und das Stuttgarter Kammerorchester.

Virginie Auvray

View Profile

Chicago, IL – Mr. Callaway was formerly the director of the Strategic Planning department of the world’s oldest franchise development firm, Francorp. In his role, as head of the department, he drafted and managed strategic business plans for franchising companies. He also conducted franchise feasibility studies, industry surveys, prototype development plans, and strategic analyses. As member of the Executive Board of Francorp International, Mr. Callaway was responsible for all strategic planning initiatives engaged by the Strategic Planning Departments of the 30-country network of Francorp offices.

Currently, Mr. Callaway has extensive influence in the decisions garnered by the Strategic Planning Department at Franchise Marketing Systems, as well as other departments where efficiencies are supplementary. After retaining a degree in Economics from Illinois College, Mr. Callaway received his MBA from Northern Illinois University with a focus in Entrepreneurship. Mr. Callaway has worked with major executives and companies such as former McDonald’s CEO, Ed Rensi, Founder of Gildan Activewear, Greg Chamandy, and Hershey Foods Director of New Product Development, Curt Robinson, among other business owners and CEOs. Mr. Callaway has traveled throughout North America to help facilitate the franchise goals of his diverse client-base, with specialty in retail. Previously, Mr. Callaway was Store Manager at a prominent retail chain accountable for nearly 100 employees.

Mr. Callaway is an expert in strategic planning, franchisor organizational design, royalty and franchise fee pricing strategy, managerial decision-making, and technical marketing issues. He is a skilled researcher with extensive experience in web-based applications as well as database management.

Helena Gärtner

GründerinView Profile

Chicago, IL – Mr. Callaway was formerly the director of the Strategic Planning department of the world’s oldest franchise development firm, Francorp. In his role, as head of the department, he drafted and managed strategic business plans for franchising companies. He also conducted franchise feasibility studies, industry surveys, prototype development plans, and strategic analyses. As member of the Executive Board of Francorp International, Mr. Callaway was responsible for all strategic planning initiatives engaged by the Strategic Planning Departments of the 30-country network of Francorp offices.

Currently, Mr. Callaway has extensive influence in the decisions garnered by the Strategic Planning Department at Franchise Marketing Systems, as well as other departments where efficiencies are supplementary. After retaining a degree in Economics from Illinois College, Mr. Callaway received his MBA from Northern Illinois University with a focus in Entrepreneurship. Mr. Callaway has worked with major executives and companies such as former McDonald’s CEO, Ed Rensi, Founder of Gildan Activewear, Greg Chamandy, and Hershey Foods Director of New Product Development, Curt Robinson, among other business owners and CEOs. Mr. Callaway has traveled throughout North America to help facilitate the franchise goals of his diverse client-base, with specialty in retail. Previously, Mr. Callaway was Store Manager at a prominent retail chain accountable for nearly 100 employees.

Mr. Callaway is an expert in strategic planning, franchisor organizational design, royalty and franchise fee pricing strategy, managerial decision-making, and technical marketing issues. He is a skilled researcher with extensive experience in web-based applications as well as database management.

Helena Gärtner studierte Schulmusik an der Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe mit Leistungsfach Klavier bei Elisa Agudiez, sowie Chorleitung bei Johannes Günther und Gesang bei Iris Braig-Unertl. Ihren Schwerpunkt legte sie in den Bereich Rhythmik. Nach der Teilnahme an zwei Workshops mit den Themen „Jazz und Pop im Chor“ entdeckte sie ihr Interesse an dieser Art von Chormusik und gründete im November 2005 den Jazzchor „JCK – Das setzt sich!“ an der Uni Karlsruhe. Im Sommersemester 2007 erhielt sie dafür einen Lehrauftrag am ZAK. Neben ihrer Tätigkeit als Chorleiterin arbeitet Helena Gärtner gelegentlich als Klavierlehrerin und Stimmbildnerin.